New Zealand continues to attract migrants from all over the world due to its high quality of life, stable economy, and stunning natural beauty. In 2024, several changes are expected in the process of obtaining a residence visa (RV) in New Zealand for Russian citizens. In this article, we will explore the main changes and provide tips on how to best prepare for the application process.

Key Changes in 2024

1. **Stricter Language Proficiency Requirements**
   In 2024, New Zealand plans to increase the language proficiency requirements for migrants. This is aimed at improving the integration of new residents into society and the labor market. Russian citizens planning to move will need to provide higher minimum scores on English proficiency tests (such as IELTS).

2. **Changes in Skilled Migration Quotas**
   Due to changes in the economic situation and labor market needs, the New Zealand government plans to adjust the quotas for various categories of skilled migration. This could affect the number of visas available for highly skilled professionals from Russia.

3. **New Qualification Requirements**
   In 2024, New Zealand will introduce new qualification requirements for migrants. This includes the recognition of foreign diplomas and certificates, as well as additional checks on work experience. Russian citizens are advised to prepare all necessary documents in advance and contact relevant organizations for the validation of their qualifications.

4. **Enhanced Background Checks**
   In response to global security changes, New Zealand will place greater emphasis on the background checks of RV applicants. This includes more thorough checks for criminal records and other aspects of the applicants' histories.

5. **Simplified Process for Students and Graduates**
   Positive changes are expected in 2024 for students and recent graduates of New Zealand educational institutions. A new program will be introduced to simplify the process of obtaining RV for those who have completed their studies in New Zealand and wish to remain in the country to work.

How to Prepare for the Changes

1. **Improve Your English Proficiency**
   Start preparing for the English proficiency test well in advance. There are many courses and resources available to help improve your language skills and achieve the required test scores.

2. **Validate Your Qualifications**
   If you have diplomas and certificates not recognized in New Zealand, begin the validation process early. This will help avoid delays when applying for RV.

3. **Prepare All Necessary Documents**
   Ensure that you have all the required documents, including police clearance certificates and medical certificates. This will expedite the application process and increase your chances of successfully obtaining RV.

4. **Explore Opportunities for Students and Graduates**
   If you are planning to study in New Zealand, research the new opportunities and programs that will be introduced in 2024. This can significantly ease your path to obtaining RV.


In 2024, Russian citizens planning to move to New Zealand will face significant changes in the RV application process. Stricter language requirements, new skilled migration quotas, and enhanced background checks will require careful preparation and attention to detail. Staying informed about the new rules and preparing all necessary documents in advance will help you successfully navigate the immigration process and become part of New Zealand's vibrant society.